Siqi Yang

Siqi Yang – Illustration Instructor

Siqi is an illustrator and printmaker, who graduated from Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Illustration major. She works with both traditional and digital mediums, and her works are uniquely intertwined with exquisite lines and abstract concepts.

Her teaching philosophy encourages her students to continuously experiment. In addition to teaching creative and professional drawing skills, she also shares art history and science with her students, challenging them to think of art in multidisciplinary ways.

Siqi毕业于温哥华著名艺术设计学院Emily Carr插画专业,是一名插画师和版画家。善于从大自然与书籍中寻找灵感,她的作品集传统和电子技法为一体,融合了抽象概念以及具象线条。
