Irina Wang

Irina Wang – Fashion Design Instructor

Irina Wang pursued her Fashion Design Bachelor Degree at School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and obtained her Fashion Design Master Degree from Parsons School of Design. Her previous working experience as the Women’s Ready-to-Wear assistant designer at Tory Burch LLC. and other experiences in the New York Fashion Industry have trained and strengthened her professional foundation, including building a collection, trend analysis, pattern-making, creative draping, fashion technical drawing, sewing and illustration. 

Irina is here to share her ten years of fashion journey and to pass her skill set to the AOMA students who hold a passion for fashion. She will guide you step by step to your dream schools.

Irina  Wang  拥有美国芝加哥艺术学院服装设计学士学位和帕森斯设计学院服装设计硕士学位,毕业后曾担任著名时尚品牌 Tory Burch女装成衣助理设计师。在纽约和芝加哥10年的进修和工作经验让她在服装设计领域获得了全面地锻炼和成长。她的研究生作品曾两次参加纽约时装周,毕业设计作品被著名服装杂志VOGUE 刊登在 VOGUE Runway 专栏。Irina 目前担任AOMA现代艺术设计学院作品集导师,她希望可以用自己的经验来指导和帮助对服装设计有热情的学生们一步步去实现自己的梦想。