George Verphese


George Verphese – Senior Education Consultant

George has over 35 years of senior executive and administrative experience in higher education institutions. He established the Faculty of Design at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2011. He was also the Campus Director, the Associate Head of School and Director and the Chair of Interior Design School at several universities in Canada and Australia. In his recent role as the Director of Academy Strategy at AOMA, George provides educational leadership and inspires passionate for research and teaching excellence. He encourages students and academics to work across disciplines and boundaries. He is a registered Interior Designer in Ontario (ARIDO) and a member of IIDA (New York). He is a Senior Education Consultant at AOMA

在过去的35年里,George 曾在多家加拿大和澳大利亚的高等教育机构担任设计学院院长或校区校长。2011年,他为Kwantlen大学建立了设计学院,之后担任过VCAD的校区校长,悉尼理工大学副校长和Ryerson大学室内设计学院院长以及AOMA现代艺术设计学院学科发展主任。George也是一位热情的教育家,教授过多门本科及研究生课程,他相信研究和教学是紧密相连的,并鼓励学生和学者们跨越学科界限进行合作。他是安大略和纽约的注册室内设计师,也是AOMA的高级教育顾问。