Fun Cartoon Characters

Fun Cartoon Characters
Time: 3:45pm – 5:45pm Tuesday
Ages: 6-12

Take the journey of cartoon character construction from head to toe! Learn cartoon drawing skills & techniques in the Disney & North American animated styles. Learn and practice drawing construction with guided step by step instructions and activities for heads, faces, hair, bodies, hands, feet, clothing and other details. Put it all together to draw human characters, animals, robots, and give life to anything you can imagine.

妙趣横生的卡通人物绘画之旅,学习和训练学生如何系统的绘制卡通形象, 如何生动的表达头,面,头发,身体,手,脚,衣服和其它细节,如何将这些部件组合成鲜活的人物、动物、怪物、和机器人。学生将无尽的活力和想象力通过画笔注入卡通角色。不要错过和拥有20年动画制作经验的前迪士尼动画师Greg Stainton手把手学习迪士尼和北美的动画风格的机会

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