Barry Magrill

Barry Magrill – Portfolio Expert in Fine Arts and Architecture

Barry is an artist, art historian, and published author. He graduated from UBC with a PhD in Art History, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Victoria. His book, “A Commerce of Taste: Church Architecture in Canada”, was selected by McGill University Press for international publication in their History of Religion series. Previously, he won the Phyllis J. Lambert Prize for writing in architecture for his doctoral thesis of the same title. Barry enjoys working with artists to develop their writing portfolios and crafting artist statements. He is very experienced at teaching art history and art appreciation courses. Barry is one of the Portfolio Expert Team members at AOMA.

Barry Magrill是一名艺术家,艺术史学家和作家。他从UBC大学艺术史博士毕业后,又获得了维多利亚大学的博士后。Barry的博士论文赢得Phyllis J. Lambert建筑大奖。他的著作《A Commerce of Taste: Church Architecture in Canada》列入麦吉尔大学宗教系列出版物。Barry经常和艺术家合作,帮助他们撰写艺术作品集文字部分以及艺术评论文章。他有丰富的教授艺术史以及艺术欣赏课程的经验,深受学生喜爱。Barry目前担任AOMA现代艺术设计学院作品集专家组成员。